March 31, 2025

Tell Your Story Campaign

Happy New Year from the WVANA!

As a visitor to this page, you are probably curious about how to participate in the WVANA’s new Tell Your Story campaign. This 2020 PR initiative is uniquely different from anything WVANA has done before. The campaign encompasses such milestones as the beginning/end of the 2020 WV legislative session and National CRNA Week. Our goal is for WVANA members to creatively use photography, video, and the written word to help us inform our target audiences about the role and value of CRNAs in WV’s healthcare system, including patients, policymakers, hospital administrators, healthcare professionals, and media.

In addition, we hope to…

  • Increase member engagement
  • Build a positive foundation for advocacy PR during the upcoming legislative session
  • Win an AANA PR Recognition Award for CRNA Week

We can do this with your help!

To participate: Be creative, have fun, and do the following…

Tell your story in pictures!

Send us photos of you, you and healthcare colleagues, you and patients (with permission, of course!) for use on WVANA social media and the WVANA website. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and it’s true! There is no better, easier, more compelling or enjoyable way to tell your story or show what CRNAs do than with photographs. See Simple Guidelines to Follow.

Tell your story with video!

OK, we lied. Videos really are better and more compelling than photos! We live in a videocentric world, so here’s your chance to enjoy your 1 minute of fame on WVANA’s social media and/or website! Using your cell phone or camera, record a brief, humorous, dramatic, or compassionate message that tells your audience about CRNAs in a succinct, creative, informative, and profoundly watchable way. See Simple Guidelines to Follow.

Tell your story in words!

The old-fashioned way! Do you have a compelling clinical experience to share? A heroic deed? A unique professional insight? You don’t need to be a professional writer to participate—if you type out your story and send it in, our professional editor will polish it up. Intrigued? See Simple Guidelines to Follow.

Download the Simple Guidelines to Follow

Download the Photography/Video Recording Consent Agreement Form

Where to Submit

Submit your photos and photo captions, your videos, your signed consent forms, your written stories by completing the online form.

Complete the online form here!

Submit your questions to the WVANA management team at

We look forward to seeing your amazing entries!