March 29, 2025

WV RN & APRN License Renewal Details

You must create a WV RN Nurse Portal account to apply for an APRN license or to maintain your existing license. 

You can and should visit the WV RN Board website and use their License Verification Portal to check the status of your APRN License as well as check the expiration date that they have on file for your NBCRNA certification/recertification. If an expired date is showing for your Certification, then your APRN License is no longer valid. Your APRN License and Certification must both be current to practice as a CRNA in WV.

APRN License Renewal (Applies to new or current CRNAs)
You must renew your APRN License every odd year by June 30. Your APRN License must be renewed before July 1st to continue practicing as a CRNA. All WV APRNs must still renew their WV RN license, but the WV RN renewal fee will be waived. WV APRN licenses and RXA privileges depend on having an active WV RN license.

You do have required CE for APRN License renewal. Keep copies of your CE certificates in case you are audited:

  • Total of 24 hours of CE required during the two-year APRN License period.
    • 12 hours must be in Pharmacotherapeutics (Advanced Pharmacology). Eight (8) hours of this CE may be used towards renewal/reinstatement of Limited Prescriptive Authority.
    • 12 hours must be in Clinical Management of patients.
  • All CE for APRN License renewal must be targeted at CRNAs or APRNs in general. CE designed for entry level nurses is not sufficient.
  • The WV RN Board WILL LIKELY NOT accept Pharmacotherapeutics CE unless the CE certificate specifically designates that the CE activity is in Pharmacotherapeutics or Pharmacology. The title of the CE and/or description alone is not sufficient for the WV RN Board.
  • Your NBCRNA Certification/Recertification must be current with official verification on file with the WV RN Board at all times. Please understand that your APRN License will become inactive regardlessof the expiration date on you APRN License if at any time your NBCRNA certification/recertification expires OR if the WV RN Board does not have current verification of your certification/recertification on file.
  • Follow these steps to ask the NBCRNA to send an official certification verification to the WV RN Board:
    • Visit the NBCRNA website.
    • Go to Quick Links to the right of NBCRNA homepage.
    • Go to Request state board of nursing notification.
    • Login and follow the steps provided by the NBCRNA (No fee is required to send this official certification verification).
    • Please keep a record of this request in your personal files.

NBCRNA Recertification
If you recertify with the NBCRNA on EVEN years:
You must request that the NBCRNA send a state board of nursing notification (certification verification) directly to the WV RN Board.

Your APRN License is renewed every odd year; however, you still must request this notification be sent by the NBCRNA or your WV APRN License will become inactive, and you cannot practice as a CRNA. The WV RN Board must base your APRN License status on the last verification that you asked the NBCRNA to send to them. You can be recertified but have a lapsed APRN License if you fail to request that an updated verification be sent.

If you renew your NBCRNA on ODD years:
You should renew your NBCRNA recertification prior to renewing your APRN License. You must request that the NBCRNA send a state board of nursing notification (certification verification) directly to the WV RN Board.

The WV RN Board must base your APRN License status on the last verification that you asked the NBCRNA to send to them. You can be recertified but have a lapsed APRN License if you fail to request that an updated verification be sent.

Risky Scenario: It is possible for a CRNA who recertifies in an odd year to have a successful APRN License renewal that is only valid for one (1) month or so. This unfortunate scenario could occur if you renew your APRN License on May 1st of the odd year, but you have not recertified with the NBCRNA prior to your APRN License renewal. Therefore, the WV RN Board would issue your new APRN License based on your last recertification which will expire on July 31st of the same odd year. You can renew your APRN License prior to your recertification; however, you must remember that you will need to ask the NBCRNA to send a certification verification with your APRN License renewal AND then again as soon as you recertify before July 31st.

Registered Nurse License Renewal
All WV RN licenses will expire this October 31, 2024, then it will expire on June 30th of each EVEN year. After the 2024 WV RN license renewal, you must renew your RN License every EVEN year by June 30th.

You do have required Continuing Education (CE) for RN License renewal. Keep copies of your CE certificates in case you are audited:

  • Total of 12 hours of CE required every two-year renewal cycle.
  • Also, a requirement of 3 contact hoursof CE for drug diversion training, best-practice prescribing of controlled substances training and training on prescribing and administration of an opioid antagonist if the RN will prescribe, administer, or dispense controlled substances, must be completed within 1 year of receiving his or her initial license from the Board. After completing this initial 3 contact hours of CE for drug diversion, you will not be required to complete this specific type of CE for subsequent renewals.